Search results in category Bulgur Wheat

Dakota Specialty Milling


Our ability to create reliable formulas is the reason Dakota Specialty Milling is the trusted ingredient supplier for America's leading brands of variety breads, cereals, crackers, granola, and nutrition bars.

4014 15th Avenue Northwest Fargo, North Dakota, United States, 58102

phone: view phone(800) 426-7045

website: www.dakotaspecialtymilling...

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Sunnyland Bulgur Wheat Inc. dba Sunnyland Mills

in INGREDIENTS / BULK ITEMS by Michael Orlando

Sunnyland Mills is a wholesale food manufacturer selling Bulgur wheat to business customers: All-Natural Premium-Quality Whole Grain Bulgur Wheat, Golden Bulgur Wheat, Organic Bulgur Wheat, Brown Bulgur Wheat, KAMUT® Khorasan Bulgur Wheat, & Grano.

4469 E. Annadale Ave. Fresno, California, United States, 93725-2221

phone: view phone800-501-8017


e-mail: send an e-mail